Monday, 18 February 2013

Lent. A good time for blog ressurection.

Well, this blog didn't turn out too well.

It's surprisingly hard to keep up a blog. Although I suppose it depends on one's motivation and inspiration which aren't things I've had in abundance recently.

In any case, when Lent began last Wednesday I decided actually to give up something for once. The temptation was to leave out the 'something' and just give up for Lent but in the event, I took the plunge and resolved to give up alcohol. I don't get drunk easily but I do drink most days, so I'm not enjoying this teetotalism at all. Not having a proper job and being reminded of it on a daily basis as well as living at home like I'm 17 again makes it even harder to resist the lure of the Glenmorangie in its sophisticated decanter.

I also went the extra mile by not just giving up Twitter for Lent but avoiding the internet entirely every Friday until Easter. I'm now expecting some major world event to happen during this time. Fortunately the Pope must have forseen this and decided to resign two days before Lent so hopefully that will deter the Queen from dying or North Korea from attempting reunification before Easter.

So far, so good. And while I felt really disconnected last Friday, I definitely felt more free to do other, more productive, things. The realisation at the end of the day that there wasn't that much I missed about being online made me wonder how I waste so much time. Just one of the latest triggers of my bidaily existential crises.

Anyway, I thought I'd share this flowchart: